WTMP Mentorship

Open Inbox

WTMP’s Open Inbox allows writers to ask our Mentors-In-Residence (MIRs) writing craft and traditional publishing questions!

The Open Inbox will launch November 1, 2024. Check back here for updates and access to the form.

Past questions and answers here.

Submission Package Reviews

WTMP’s Submission Package Reviews allow unagented writers to submit their query and first 25 pages to selected WTMP mentors for critique. This runs during the mentorship program.

Submission Package Reviews are limited, and chosen our mentors. Watch this space or sign up for updates here.

4-Month Mentorship

WTMP’s 4-Month Mentorship allows unagented writers to pitch mentors their completed manuscripts in a lottery-based pitch-a-thon. If selected by a mentor, you will undergo an open-ended, 4 month mentorship where you will receive career, querying, and revision guidance for your current work.

The fall 2024 mentorship program is here.

*WTMP has a weighted lottery system in place. If selected through the lottery you will be contacted to participate in the pitch event.